Catching Your Financial Advisers, At the Right Time
A peek into the financial advisers/ planners/ consultants and insurance agents’ calendars, organizers and even their desks (with so many pin-ups and reminder notes), you will find that the worst time to meet them is during the final quarter of the year and December month itself.
And why so?
They will be (hush hush, desperately) rushing to achieve their targets and goals and company incentives since the insurance companies’ production year will be ending in the month of December. And as such, you may feel pressurized into buying from them or make a hasty decision to commit to a long-term life insurance plan without really doing a financial needs analysis. And ut seems some may even throw ‘promotional rebates’ and ‘gift vouchers’ to entice you into signing on THEIR dotted lines. Boys and Gals, is this what financial planning should be about?
Do justice to your monies, at the right time with the right person.
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