Tips on Inviting the Zzzzzz Monster

Episode 1
Routine, Routine, Routine

Maintain a regular sleeping pattern day in and out, not forgetting your weekends!
 Ever wonder how and why do we have a particular sleeping pattern? Actually, there is a "circadian clock" in our brain. Our bodies need to balance both the sleeping and waking time. Maintaining a regular waking time in the morning will strengthen this “clock” and also tune our sleeping time at night. That is also why it is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake time, and also on your weekends and public holidays! Don’t give in to temptation ya!

Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath
Get yourself into a relaxing routine activity just before bedtime, away from the bright lights. If you have a bath tub at home, or when you’re away on a holiday and there is one available in the hotel room, try to soak in the hot bath before sleeping. This can ease and speed up the transition into deeper sleep. But get into the tub early so that you are no longer sweating or overheated. If you are unable to avoid tension and stress, it may be helpful to. Glaring lights before bedtime should be avoided because it’s sending signals to the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is not sleeping time. So, lights out please!

<90 min before bedtime
Hey you there, still reading this write-up just minutes before bed? Time to hit the bed soon! Your brain should be getting some pre-bedtime rest, away from all the excitement and other activities.

<30 min before bedtime
Why not take a few minutes off and jot down your concerns and stressful moments of the day? That’s right, get them off your chest and stop thinking about all the frustrating matters that happened during the day and you will be on your way to a sound sleep.

Calming music or self-hypnosis
You know that calming music aids in sleeping, so put that Jay Zhou and Lady Gaga tunes away till the next morning, well unless you think their music has a soothing effect on you.

Have you heard of self-hypnosis or a "brain recalibration" tape that can help you sleep better? Designed scientifically by researchers to help calm the brain, they are remarkably effective for people who need some help with sleeping. But make sure that those audios are not purchased from fly by night companies!

Can’t sleep? Then get out of the bed after 15-20 minutes! Lamenting over unsuccessful sleeping and getting all stressed up only makes matters worse.